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Office of Institutional Research

Common Data Set

The Common Data Set is maintained by the Office of Institutional Research. It contains valuable resources that have been put on-line for the purposes of convenience and reference. Universities everywhere are requested to provide statistics and information for numerous publications, surveys, and general inquiries. Although the source of each inquiry is different, the theme is similar, and we often answer the same questions repeatedly. Now, by the use of the world wide web, we can increase our efficiency by standardizing each response. This effort is a part of a growing trend by universities worldwide. Please use these surveys at your will for the purpose of obtaining information about the Florida State University.

If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us at


A.  General Information                                            
A0 Respondent Information (Not for Publication)                                            
  Name:   Andrew Brady                                            
  Title:   Associate Director                                            
  Office:   Institutional Research                                            
  Mailing Address:                                                
  Phone:   850-644-6907                                            
  E-mail Address:                                            
  Are your responses to the CDS posted for reference on your institution's Web site? X Yes                                            
  If yes, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page:                                                                                 
A0A We invite you to indicate if there are items on the CDS for which you cannot use the requested analytic convention, cannot provide data for the cohort requested, whose methodology is unclear, or about which you have questions or comments in general. This information will not be published but will help the publishers further refine CDS items.                                            
A1 Address Information                                                
  Name of College/University:   Florida State University                                            
  Mailing Address:                                                
  City/State/Zip/Country:   Tallahassee, FL  32306                                            
  Street Address (if different):                                                
  Main Phone Number:   (850) 644-2525                                            
  WWW Home Page Address:                                            
  Admissions Phone Number:   (850) 644-6200                                            
  Admissions Toll-Free Phone Number:                                                
  Admissions Office Mailing Address:   PO Box 3062400                                            
  City/State/Zip/Country:   Tallahassee, FL  32306-2400                                            
  Admissions E-mail Address:                                            
  If there is a separate URL for your school’s online application, please specify:                                                                                 
  If you have a mailing address other than the above to which applications should be sent, please provide:                                            
A2 Source of institutional control (Check only one):                                            
X Public                                                
  Private (nonprofit)                                                
A3 Classify your undergraduate institution:                                                
X Coeducational college                                                
  Men's college                                                
  Women's college                                                
A4 Academic year calendar:                                                
X Semester   If your academic year has changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, please indicate as other below.                                            
  Differs by program (describe):                                                
  Other (describe):                                                
A5 Degrees offered by your institution:                                                
X Certificate                                                
X Associate                                                
X Transfer Associate                                                
  Terminal Associate                                                
X Bachelor's                                                
X Postbachelor's certificate                                                
X Master's                                                
X Specialist's                                                
X Post-master's certificate                                                
X Doctoral degree research/scholarship                                                
X Doctoral degree – professional practice                                                
X Doctoral degree -- other                                                
A5 Doctoral degree -- other                                                
A6 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion                                                
  If you have a diversity, equity, and inclusion office or department, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page: